
Trying to get preg. but cant.. for at least 2yrs.?

by  |  earlier

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hi there,

i have been trying to get pregnant for the past 2 years or so..

unprotected s*x with my fiance, but i dont usually count the dates nor have a fixed timing to have s*x. but so far nothing happened in the whole 2 yrs....

sometimes in a mth,we wud hav s*x every 2 days or so.. but still no avail...

i had an abortion before once, many yrs back (ard 6yrs).. is it related somehow? that im not getting pregnant?




  1. Try going to a proffessional in this field.

    Get checked out, and try various methods that proffessionals have to offer.

  2. I know how you feel we are in the same boat and its fusterating!!!! TTC for 2 years also. I have finally decided to go see a professional and maybe you should do the same to get some answers. and some peace of mind is good like the other girl said but charting will also drive you nuts so see a your GYN and maybe they can help with some meds to increase your chances. Good Luck!!!!  

  3. First I want to say, I know how frustrated you are! I've been ttc for about 4 years. I doubt that your abortion has anything to do w/ it. I would start charting your ovulation,, is a good place to start.  Have you talked to your gyno about it?  You may want to see if he/she could recommend a fertility specialist in your area you can meet with.  But it really could be that your timing isn't right, so if you start charting your ovulation so you know when it happens, you'll have a much better chance! Good luck!

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