
Trying to get pregnant 9 mts now and doc said i was fine?

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My gyn said i was fine and saw her after trying for 7 mts to get pregnant. now it is 9 mts and nothing. every month i and i am sure my husband gets the hopes up and nothing. i even had almost symtoms. It is so depressing. i tried so long to prevent pregnancy and now i am married to the right man and want a baby so bad. how do i cope?




  1. stop trying!!! and go on vacation your too worked up once you relax you will get pregnant

  2. dont try so hard your stressing yourself out if it happens it happens also go have your husband checked out also if you havent done that

  3. Ok - I'll start by saying - anyone who says 'Relax, stop trying, stop stressing andit'll happen, is probably someone who took an entire month to get pregnant.  FRUSTRATING for sure.

    My husband and I have been trying for almost 22 months now - I know how you feel.  

    I'm sure you're just fine.  85% of women/couples will conceive within the first year of trying.  Most Drs won't even look at you until you've been trying for at least a year - as most women are pregnant by that time.  Though if you're 35 +,they'll start investigating after 6 months of trying.

    As for how do you cope?  That's different for everyone.  Some women take up a hobby, to try to keep their mind on something else.  I'll tell you what - I'm a Personal Trainer and am currently taking fertility courses for training, and 2 of the best things you can do for yourself, to help, are:  accupuncture and fertility yoga!  Both will help de-stress you and help you along the way.  And, have fun, book a weekend at a hotel for you and your hubby, be wild, be crazy!

    I wish you sticky baby dust and bucket loads of luck!  

    If you need someone to chat with - I'm more than willing!  :)

  4. make sure you are monitoring your ovulation times...that helps...also, it can take quite awhile to become pregnant even if everything is took me a little over a year after getting off of my pills before i conceived. stress can also make it harder to conceive. make sure you are getting plenty of rest, eating healthy and working out regularly and your body will take care of the rest...

  5. I know just how you feel, sometimes I feel like the $$ I spent on 17 years of BCP should have been saved for all the infertility tests.  I'm sorry your so sad....

    I've been TTC for 18 months and right around the 9 month mark I felt just like you.  Everyone has different coping mechanisms...and you need to find out what works for you.  I've learned that this is something I can't make happen and while I'm still "trying" hard I'm also looking at other areas of my life.  Working out, eating right, getting a lot of sleep, spending time with family and friends, etc. can all be things that you can control and make the rest easier to deal with.  

    Chances are that you are just fine as your gyn said.  It's just not our time yet....but hopefully it will be VERY soon =)  Good luck!!!

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