
Trying to get pregnant... So dissapointed...

by  |  earlier

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Hi, my husband and i have been trying to get pregnant now for almost 2 years. Last year when I have my exam i asked the doc about it, and he said give it about 6 months... i gave alot longer than that. Should we keep trying, or should i call the doc. back to have another check up and get my hubby checked?? I am kind of worried about him though, his sister can not have babies, and his brother and his wife had a baby boy, but he is a dwarf. I am not worried about how the baby will turn out, we will love it no matter what, but i am just worried that he cant make babies.. But i dont want to say anything to him because i so do not want to hurt his self esteem!!! What shall i do?




  1. I think you and your hubby should go get check up  by your doctor.  Dont say anything to him about you thinking that he is the one having problem in getting you pregnant because you dont know that it could be you too. GOOD LUCK!!

  2. go to a doctor, just to be sure

    me and my hubby took almost three years to conceive naturally!!

    so dont sweat it. i gave up i thought i couldnt conceive

    and i didnt think about it anymore and before i knew it i was


    now im trying again for #2

  3. Me and my husband have been trying for just over a year now and im now on my 2nd month of clomid. Myhusband had also had a vasectomy before we got togehter and had it reversed. wpaid for a test in boots to see if he was fertile and it came back negative so assumed he was the problem. He had to do the same test at the hospital 3 months after op and his annalysis came back ok so he boots test had it wrong. As we got referred to the fertility clinic as i have PCOS i had 4 months of bloods done on day 2 and day 21 then i also had  hsg (dye test) ll ok and was put on clomid 50mg per day and go for bloods again on day 21. The whole way through the process through the ups and the downs we done it together and that is what i think you need to do with your husband it dont matter who has the problem you in it together as long as it is what you both want. If it not it wont work and blame is easy given. Think you need to talk to him but it the way you approach it just because of the other family issues done mean it will be the same for you but if you both go to docs together with all the concerns they will be able to advise you better if anything geneticly linked...

    good luck and hope you get there..xx

  4. Go to the doctor. It is time to see what is going on. I know that it is scary but it is better to know now what you are up against rather than dragging out the process. Good luck.

  5. I personally think you have waited long enough.  I feel you and your husband owe it to yourselves to investigate further.  You need to talk to your doctor and go from there.  

  6. I waited two years before I said anything and this month is our first round of clomid. I probably only ovulating about 4 times a year. So its really made things hard for us too. But I would totally suggest getting a physical for you and s***n Analysis for him that way you know if its just timing or real problem.  

  7. Well for starters..Congratulations on trying to have a baby! My husband and I waited 2 years after we married to start trying and then it took 3 years before we resulted to IVF and now have our beautiful daughter. First off when you have been trying for that long its definitely time to get help. Doctors usually start fertility treatments one you have been trying for 1 year. Also don't wait to get real answers from the doctors. And don't worry about your husbands self esteem. When you want a baby both of you will do most anything to have one. My husband had 5 s***n Analysis and then a surgery to fix a Varacocile, which didn't really need to be fixed in the end. So at some point when you do further tests and such to find out the problem all self consciousness about anything will go out the window for both of you. It will bring you even closer. Good luck with everything I always wish people to have a happy healthy baby conceived naturally if possible. Although I am very supportive of all fertility methods, I don't wish it upon anyone to have to go through it all. Best of luck to you two.  

  8. Before you start playing the blame game, I would suggest that you both get checked out.  Who's to say at this point that there is a problem with him and not you?  It could be that there's not a problem with either of you.  Talk to him about the need to see a doc to find out what the hold-up is and let him know that it will probably be suggested that you both get checked out.  Good luck!

  9. I agree with Pugama, you should definately see a fertility specialist. It is important to get blood test,s***n analysis and in some cases even a hsg to figure out whether or not your tubes are blocked, There are many things that can be done. There are many reasons why pregnancy may not be taking place, in my case it has to do with endometriosis and a one blocked tube. Good luck! Also check out American Pregnancy if you have not done so already. There is a lot of support there from other women who are experiencing the same thing that we are.

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