
Trying to get pregnant after IUD?

by  |  earlier

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My husband and I decided to have another baby and I went and got my IUD taken out. it was a basic copper flex one. The day i got it taken out and the whole week should have been the time i was ovulating. is there any chance i could have gotten pregnant right away? I usually get pregnant very easily.




  1. I had my Copper IUD removed in Feb 08 and was pregnant by April, but miscarried at about 5 weeks. Good Luck to you and you are fertile THE DAY IT IS REMOVED. That's why I liked the Copper one so much better than the Mirena.

  2. Having it removed may change your cycle. It is not recommended to get pregnant within the 1st 3 months of removal since the chance for miscarriage is higher.

    Best of LUCK

  3. hmm, i have always had the minera one. And i had to have it taken out mid nov of 06 because it  had moved away from its respectable place. Thats was a lot of pain havein it removed from where it was at. Well me and my husband decided to have another baby. in that time period.

    By febuary of 07 i found out that i was 2 months pregant with my boy.

    And the doctor says that the sec a IUD comes out, you can get pregant at any time. But i guess for some of us it takes a lil longer.

    I already goten a new IUD put back in.

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