
Trying to get prego was told that after he finishes if it doesnt come back out it was a good sign? you think??

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Trying to get prego was told that after he finishes if it doesnt come back out it was a good sign? you think??




  1. Doesnt matter if it comes back out, as long as some stays in, which it will...

  2. It only takes one sperm to fertilize the egg, so no I do not.

  3. never heard that before maybe it was only a small amount. it should always come out and you should go to the bathroom after to avoid getting any bacteria inside of you alot of people "pull out" and still get pregnant how long its in there doesn't matter as long as it enters inside of you you could be pregnant congrats if you are

  4. Well, it does need to be in there to impregnate you, so, I'd say it's a good sign. Of course you can still get pregnant either way, and it's no guarantee either.

  5. It doesn't stay in there. It has to come back out cause there is nowhere for all that to go. It only takes a drop to get prego, so why would you want it all to stay in there?????

  6. not all the of the sperm is going to stay inside no matter how hard you try thats the way it works. It takes one sperm to get pregnant so I dont think you would know just by the amount of sperm still inside

  7. it is a good sign, but any amount of sperm that stays in you can get you pregnant even if some does leak long as you both are fertile you should have no problem getting pregnant at all! good luck and hope ihelped!

  8. As long as during intercourse he ejaculated it shouldn't matter. It only takes 1 out of the millions of sperms to get pregnant. Whether he pills out after he ejaculates or keeps going it still only takes 1 sperm. Now if he pulls out ejaculates and then puts it back in then you cannot get pregnant.

  9. I dont think thats true. It only takes one sperm to fertilize the egg amd theres always going to be a little that comes out afterward.

    Good luck!

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