
Trying to get quick access to my internet radio station. Now, I have to clk.internet bring up my homepg

by  |  earlier

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(yahoo) then type in, choose that and fiddle around with that page until i finally get it to turn on windows media player live radio. I have an icon for the radio station on my desktop but it doesn't activate the station. Do I need to download a larger win. media player so i can drag my radio station icon onto it? now it won't accept it. I'm such a novice but i have no other radio and really want to figure out a way to have quick access to my station. Please walk me thru how to do this from the very first step. don't assume i know how to do anything that most people probably know. I'll be most beholding if you can help me find a WAY! thanks




  1. first open your exp. and type the add. of your station when it opens add it to favorites then when ever you need to open it just open favorites and click on the site

    if you are running exp. 7 then there is a button on the top left of the page with a star and a green plus sign over it that's the add to fav. button

  2. winamp works well

    regards x kitti x

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