
Trying to get stop signs put in my road at a "T"..any suggestions?

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My road is about a quarter mile - 1/2 mile long straight away. There is another road, which makes a T, about half way down the road. There is a stop sign for people going from the other road onto my road but no signs along my road. It is 30mph but people tend to FLY down the road. I just opened a daycare out of my house on the road and I've had two of the four parents express their concerns about the road, especially since I like to take the children on a walk. I contacted the town board and they are going to see if they can put stop signs at the 3 way intersection but is there more I should be doing? Have everyone on my road sign something? Have the parents write letters? Any suggestions would be great...TIA




  1. This was actually my dad's job for a while...well, part of it as a traffic safety technician was to investigate to see if a stop sign is really warranted.

    Truthfully though, if you annoy them enough, they will eventually just do it.  SO write letters, have parents write letters, circulate a neigborhod petition, call every once in a while and ask for an update, it'll get done. Take the squeaky wheel gets the oil approach.

  2. stop taking mommy hormones. why are you taking the children for a walk on a highway. duh. so you think you should be able to inconvience everyone who travels that road for a couple generations just so you can act lets say not to bright. Me I would question why you want to walk on the road with my child.

  3. Organization is your friend.  Get together as many people as you can who agree with you, and then do what you were saying.  Have them sign things, write letters, whatever you think will grab somebody's attention who can do something about it.

  4. have other people of your road talk to the board and just keep on bothering them and after a will something good with happen for you.  I now that something good with happen

  5. You will need to contact the city manager and the department of transportation and they will do the research and determine if it can be done.....

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