
Trying to get to know more people in birmingham- any suggetions?

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Trying to get to know more people in birmingham- any suggetions?




  1. go out clubbin. there's like loadz of ppl  

  2. go to your local library and find out about clubs and social groups for like minded people.  Birmingham is a great city full of nice, friendly people.

  3. birmingham uk

    birmingham america

    just wondered in case you posted in uk by mistake

    get a job

    im just wondering to the silly person who wrote the bull ring oh yeah can you imagine your out shopping and someone comes up to and whats to speak and get to know you ........................................... id be thinking their a weirdo no one does that unless they fancy someone and asks for their number ........................................... as if!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    join a club

  4. There is a group called Spice Uk Birmingham which organise activities and breaks for all ages.  There is a joining fee but from then on you are eligible to join in any social activity which you want to. It's a great way of making friends.

    Other than that, depending on your personality, you start getting to know folk in your local pub, cafe etc. but I would stay away from trying to meet folk in the Bull ring as it's just not a good idea, it's really doubtful that you would find anyone there who would give you the time of day!

    Hope these help!

  5. I am a Brummie born and bred-What sort of people do you want to get to know??Whereabouts in Brum do you live?..Email me if you want to :-) Zeb

  6. Im in Bham Uk too, I was thinking of joining something but I dont know what, I havent decided yet!

    I go gym but dont really talk to people other then the friend I go with. Id like to get 2 know new people in brum too, its nice to meet new people rather then staying with the old crowd all the time.

  7. you can get to know me if you want, i'll be your friend!!

  8. Try these links. . . .

    meet people in Birmingham , meeting new people in Birmingham ...I would like to meet someone who likes to have a laugh and e. online dating in birmingham England. Free Dating · Acoustickitty 32. Man Seeking Women ...

    Birmingham Dating/Friends

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    Birmingham - Bull Ring

  9. work somewhere, spend lots of time drinking in bars alone, works for me

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