
Trying to identify an insect can you help?

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Are termite atracted to light like moths? There a bunch of fliying insects in my bed room that swarm my reading light and seem to congrigate on or around my bed. They look like termites but I am not familiar with termite behavior. These insects dont seem to mind ME much because the dont scatter or fly away just follow the light when I move it. Are they termites and if not, do you know what they could be? Are there other flying insects that look like termites?




  1. Yes there are insects that look like flying termites.  Quite a few years back I had the same thing and every morning when I got up they were in my bathroom sink (dead) but I'm sure they were there because of the light above the sink.  I showed them to different people and the only answer I seemed to come up with was some sort of flying ant.  

    Here's a website that shows you the difference between a flying termite and a flying ant.

    Here's another website.

    Good Luck

    PS  I found another website with pictures of flying ants and termites.  They actually note that the termite has a red body and black wings.

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