
Trying to learn to play the guitar online

by  |  earlier

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i need some help!! okay to start, i found some sites that help when tuning the guitar but when you are tuning it to make what you're hearing.. do you hold a chord down like the third one?

and tabs.. can you please explain to me how to read those lol thnx for your help!




  1. tune your guitar you pluck one string at a time.  they have these tuning things you can buy that help A LOT...

    and tabs are really easy...

    the bottom line is the lowest string on the guitar.....and the top line is the highest string.

    and the numbers tell you what fret to play on. and if numbers are on top of each other....then that meanns you play it all together (a chord)

    heres a key for the signs you see on the tabs:

    Tablature Legend


    L - tied note

    x - dead note

    g - grace note

    (n) - ghost note

    > - accentuded note

    NH - natural harmonic

    AH - artificial harmonic

    TH - tapped harmonic

    SH - semi harmonic

    PH - pitch harmonic

    h - hammer on

    p - pull off

    b - bend

    br - bendRelease

    pb - preBend

    pbr - preBendRelease

    brb - bendReleaseBend

    \n/ - tremolo bar dip

    \n - tremolo bar dive

    -/n - tremolo bar Release up

    /n\ - tremolo bar inverted dip

    /n - tremolo bar return

    -\n - tremolo bar Release down

    S - shift slide

    s - legato slide

    / -  slide into from below or out of upwards

    \ -  slide into from above or out of downwards

    ~ - vibrato

    W - wide vibrato

    tr - trill

    TP - tremolo picking

    T - tapping

    S - slap

    P - pop

    < - fade in

    ^ - brush up

    v - brush down

    heres what they look like:

    E||-----------------------------------... <highest string  





    E||-----------------------------------... <lowest string








  2. This is the web's most popular guitar learning program

    Good Luck

  3. You hold down the 5th fret and start from the sixth string,except for the 3rd string, you hold down the 4th fret.  You work your way forward, hold the 6th string 5th fret down and play that and the 5th string, no fret. Then move on to holding down the 5th string, 5th fret and playing that and the 4th string and so on (but remember the 3rd string rule when tuning-4th fret, not 5th for only that one).

    And tabs, the number is the fret and the line it lays on is the string.

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