
Trying to locate my husbands birth mom?

by  |  earlier

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CPS took my husband away from his mom when he was 11 years old because her boyfriend was abusing him and they were both doing drugs. He was put into a group home and then foster care. His mom basically told them she didn't ever want to see him again. He heard her say this imagine that. This happened in California and now we are about 1500 miles from California and married and we have four kids. He wants to find his mom just to tell her that he has a good life now and ask her some questions. How would we locate her? He said cps wouldn't give him her information or they didnt know where she is now.




  1. Try looking up local directories for California and websites like and

    Good luck.

  2. Lets address what you know...

    do you have a name? if he can remember her name ( he could have blocked it out of his memory or something ) then you're alot closer to finding it out.

    if not, then if he wasn't adopted his records are still open. You said that he was in foster care, but didnt mention if there was a legal adoption. If his records are still opened, then he can request his original birth certificate that would have his mothers name.

    The marriage index in california is available and if i were you i would start there. If he can get her maiden name from his birth record ( which california does, and they also keep records before the 70's and 80's whoever told the replier above that is wrong, her father was lied to which isn't uncommon. his records are sealed, not lost. ) anyways, from the marriage index, get her maiden name, do a maiden name search for the marriage index and you can find her new last name if there is one and if she was married in california.

    then maybe you can find her from some name and address finders, or google, a search angel. I'm in california so if you need more help, pm me.

    did he have siblings? you may also want to check the birth index for siblings online.

    also, if he wants to find her, it is his right to do so. The poster above me who said to leave well enough alone, i dont' think thats good advice. I understand his urge, and although we can't be guaranteed a reunion and embracing from our family we do have a right to attempt it. And also have a right to know who we came from even if it only gets as far as a name.

    can anyone say ramble? yeah! happy thanksgiving.

  3. No one can judge his Mother today. She may be living and in real pain for the sins of her past. I suggest using all the help offered by the others who posted before me. Also is free. You might begin with California and even go through all states.

    If he has it in his heart to locate her--help him.

  4. Leave well alone.  If she had wanted to find him, after saying she didn't "ever want to see him again"  she would have done so.  

    Why on earth would be even want to contact her.  Doesn't he realize yet, that giving birth does not a mother make.  He has a family of is own, with four children.  Let's say she had died, he would have to acknowledge that he now, had his own, family and that the past is the past.  

    Live your lives with determination to be good parents and not to live in the past.

  5. google

  6. I don't know if this will help, but most all adoption records pre 1970 or 1980 were not kept.

  7. i have to agree with Gershom. What the poster above her said was very mean-spirted. This is your husbands choice and his choice only. If he thinks that by finding her will be good for him, only he can decide that. Besides what Heather H says too is also good....finding out medical information can be very important not only for him but for your children as well. I know i was happy that i finally got some medical information and i was also happy in finding my birth mother. I had a lot of questions for her regarding why she did what she did. So, sometimes we look to heal our soul. Please do not get offended by the other posters that say don't go searching because his mother didn't want him. They are just being mean. Don't give up! I wish you all the best!

  8. I agree with Gershom.  He should follow his own heart and do what he feels he wants to do, nobody should be telling him to leave well enough alone - he's a grown man and can make his  own decisions and whatever he discovers, good or bad, at least he will have the whole truth, which is all any of us are searching for

    Updated family medical history is also important for your children to have, if possible

    Best of luck in located your husband's family, he is a very lucky man to have a wife as supportive as you

    Do register at - you will have to print off the form and mail it in

    ps. if you have a name and approx age I would be happy to run it through some databases for you and/or put you in touch with search support in CA

  9. Does he know her maiden name? Depending on how long ago this happened and she was using drugs, chances are she might not even be alive. Has he checked the death records in California? I believe that they are public record.

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