
Trying to locate the licensing standards and children numbers per teacher in Tn. daycare centers.?

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i need to know the how many children can be in a class with one or two teachers, and by age groups.




  1. I work at the Head Start in TN and our ratio is one teacher for every 10 kids. The kids are 3-5 years old. The kids are never left alone with one teacher, there always has to be 2 or more teachers or assistants with the children.

    Try this website for licensing standards:


    This site has it broken down by age with the Child to Staff ratio as well as the maximum for that age. Gives rules for daycare centers as well as child care in homes.

  3. Contact the Board of Education.

  4. Elementary School    30 Children   1 Teacher Aid and 1 Qualified Teacher.

    Preschool       12 Children         1 Teacher Aid and 1 Qualified Teacher

    Toddlers            8 Children          1 Teacher Aid and  1 Qualified Teacher

    Infants                  4 Babies            1 Qualified Teacher

    Infants                    8 Babies           1 Qualified Teacher and 1 Teacher Aid

    Before school and after School          24 Children     1 Teacher Aid   and Qualified Teacher

    Before school and after school             48 Children     2 Teacher Aid  and 1 Qualified Teacher

    preschool               24 children        2 Teacher Aid    and 1 Qualified Teacher.

    I hope this will help. You can also find out from Licensing .I have worked in child care for 20 years.

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