
Trying to lose weight before pills???

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I am 5'4" and 187lbs. I have been told by an OB that I should try to lose some weight before becoming pregnant. This has always been hard for me, so I am thinking of using Hydroxycut. Is it harmful if I attempt to cycle this diet pill while ttc? I plan on using it the week of and after my period only.




  1. Diet pills don't work.  If they did, then we would all know it and everyone would be thin.

    You have to keep working out (especially fat burning cardio, at least 40 minutes per session five days a week) and cut your calories and give it time.  Nothing else works.

    I'm in the same boat as you are and it's working for me.  Slowly, but it's working.

  2. diet pills are a bad habit to form. it's best if you lose weight using good diet and exercise practices. if you just use diet pills you will likely just continue to eat poorly during pregnancy and end up gaining the wrong kind of weight. definitely do things the right way and not the "easy" or shortcut way.

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