
Trying to lose weight..counting calories? ?

by  |  earlier

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Hi! Im 17 and gonna be a senior this year..I really don't want to spend my last year of high school not ok with how i look. I wanna feel good about myself and right now i just dont. Im not extremely overweight but i definatley need to lose some pounds and inches... I wanna make this year the best! so does anyone know what i should do? I was thinking of counting calories, but i dunno how to find out how many calories im allowed daily? also, i know i need to excercise running on the treadmill everyday for like 15 min good enough or should i do more? please help :)




  1. Your body burns a certain amount of calories each day whether you exercise or not. We each have what is called a Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). This rate gradually decreases with age.  To the BMR you add the total calories used during the day due to all exercise and activity, which gives you your Active Metabolic Rate.

    I am 6', 170 lbs and 52 years old. My basal metabolic rate is about 1700 calories burned per day. To that number I can add whatever calories I burn during the day due to activity and exercise. That will tell me approximately how many total calories I will burn up in a day.

    Once you know this number you can eat however many calories you choose in order to lose, gain or maintain your weight.   You burn about 3500 more calories than you consume to lose a pound.

    I have a page posted at my website that explains this further.  You can also input your own info to see your own numbers as far as calories used in a day.

    Good health and good luck!

  2. i totally feel the same way as you do. im trying to lose weight i hate the way i look<3

  3. you need to eat at least 1200-1500 cals a day.  no more, no less.  you should do treadmill, walk or run for at least an hour everyday.  as long as its cardio.  and its easy to look up calories online.

  4. haha dont count any calories :].. just run on the treadmill for 20 mins for couple of weeks till u get used to it then crank it up everyweek for another 5 mins until u get to 40 mins and keep that pace and trust me u will see amazing results.

  5. 1200 calories a day is about the strictest you can be about counting calories, so don't go below that. Keep on with the treadmill everyday and as you get in better shape do it for longer periods of time. You also may want to get some free weights and lift them three times a week (just don't try too lift anything too heavy and hurt yourself).

  6. Forget counting calories. It matters not. Eat foods made by nature, not man-made foods designed to make you fat and addicted to food. Which has more calories: a plain potato or one with a healthy fat like olive oil? The latter. Which is more fattening? The former. How can this be? The fat slows down the calories going into the blood (see glycemic load and glycemic index) making it less fattening. It is not about how many calories but how fast they enter the blood. But plant foods have fiber. Fiber provides no calories, is filling and also slows the calories entering your blood.

  7. Eat around 2000-2500 calories per day. Most packets nowadays have the calorie information on them. Also, try to do about 30 mins on the treadmill (although real running outdoors is better, as you can experience the sights and sounds of the great outdoors). Also, maybe try to do some sit-ups and stretches. Try to aim for about 10,000 steps per day - maybe go on a walk or even better - a cycle ride. I've also heard that yoga is extremely good :)

    Good luck x


    ^Click "BMR & RMR Calculator" to find out how many calories you need.

    That website is also good to work out how much calories is burned through a particular excersise.

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