5 weeks ago my ex-girlfriend told me she was pregnant. I freaked out, well actually freaked out is an understatement. I told her terrible things, really horrible things. I told her she would be alone, that I wanted nothing to do with her and didn't want this child to know I existed. I said all those things because I thought it would help me make my point stronger. My point being that I didn't want her to proceed with the pregnancy. I didn't speak with her for three weeks, after leaving these voice-mails and sending notes. Now I'm stuck I've tried to reach out and tell her I want to be supportive of her, but she told me that all she wants is for me to be out of her life. She said that she would be willing to 'sign' something 'releasing' me of responsibility and that she wishes I stuck to what I told her initially and just went away. She even told me that the best gift I could ever give this child is to allow it to be adopted by a man she ends up with in the future. I'm confused I knew that she would be mad but not that she would go down this road. After I told her the terrible stupid things I did she sent my parents a letter saying saying I wasnt a man and would be held responsible and accountable. I WANT to be involved I want this child to know its father. I wish she would let me back in her life and allow me to support her during this pregnancy. What do I do give her some 'time' to cool off? Is she just super hormonal right now? Will she ever call me back? Have I done damage here that is not reversable? I know I said stupid things and should have stood by her side from the beginning, but I didnt. I want to make up for my mistakes and learn to be a daddy. Help me out here ladies, has anyone ever been in a 'similar' situation?