
Trying to quit marijuana.....please help??

by Guest33265  |  earlier

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I am trying to quit smoking marijuana. It's been a week, but now I am freaking out, I can't relax, I am very irritable....what can I do to make this feeling go away????




  1. Its like any other addiction- you need to find something to take the place of it, like chewing gum. I used to eat an apple every time I wanted a cigarette, so it was replacing something I wanted to quit with something healthy. Good luck! Quitting anything is tough but with determination, you'll get through it!

  2. Do whatever you can to keep yourself busy. Take a walk, read, talk with friends , volunteer etc.... They say that an addiction to cigarettes is worse. You can do this. The first and biggest step is in wanting to quit.

    Good luck and God Bless!

  3. It'll go away. Deal with it for the time being and you'll be fine soon.

  4. Try chewing Valerian Root.  5htp and Sam-E are something to look into, as well.

  5. Like, eat some lawn.  It helps.  Dope.  

  6. GO TO REHAB!!!

  7. Chew gum it helps with many things and it will get your mind off of it. Do little things to distract you and keep you busy.

  8. Stay away from it.

    no matter what

    cuz then you'll just forget about it.

    its not an addicting drug so it shouldnt be that hard

  9. Well if you are just stopping something you have been doing such as a drug for a long time, your body will take time to adjust so just hang in there and the feeling will go away eventually. ButThere are many other ways to chill out or relax, try telling yourself that you don't need it. Also maybe try a hot soothing bath or something along those lines to calm and relax your body and mind. Maybe go get a massage or something,  

  10. just stick it out. you'll be fine

  11. try MA marijuana anon.  its like al anon for weed

  12. smoke a doob. its better than crack.

  13. Darlin marijuana is not addictive you are only experiencing the real world without it, all the little things seem like issues , you just have to be strong enough to say to yourself, SELF YOU ARE IN CONTROL try eating a tic tac when you need to see things clearly, it is only in your mind and you should see that soon, the anxiety should pass soon. good luck  

  14. Talk to your Dr and get something to help.  

  15. smoke a bowl and get over it ;0)

  16. Take a nap or meditate.  When I was quitting smoking cigs, that's what I did and it really helped.  Just relax, breathe deep, and keep your mind elsewhere.  

  17. You'll find a lot advice on google

  18. Believe it or not pot is easy to quit if you just slowly stop using it and use other methods to relax. Also ask your doctor for a mild tranqulizer and while you're quitting just take the tranq. also keep busy and try to do lots of fun stuff and read.

    You may also consider drinking wine (A glass or two) We do that in Europe to relax on a dialy basis and that just seems so unacceptable in the U.S.

  19. You're going to have to ride through the uncomfortable feelings for a while, but it will be worth it. I quit a little over 5 years ago and I am so glad I did. Try doing different things to help you get through it - things that will help you relax and take your mind off of it, but don't use a substance, like alcohol or another drug to do it. Work on a hobby or go out to a place you enjoy but not a place where you used to use. Good luck - you'll be so glad once you're off of it.  

  20. It's not like your addicted because it's impossible to be addicted to weed simply because there is nothing in it that can lead to addiction. It's all in your mind. If you really want to stop you will, if not then you won't.  

  21. Try doing other things to get it off your mind. Or if you're hanging around friends who still smoke and don't wanna quit. You might wanna consider not hanging around them as much, or only in school. Other then that its pretty much will power you need. Good luck(:

  22. tho marijuana is not addictive.....i believe it is mentally.

    meaning its all a mind thing. if you have the will to quit then you'll be alright. stick it out.

  23. I know this sounds wierd, but try smoking a cigarette. It will help take your mind off of it. or do something else that makes you fell really good.

  24. i dont  understand why you would do it in the first place.. but if your trying to quit then try eating other things maybe ask a doctor about ways that'll help you feel better.. i hope you stop soon :)

  25. All them people who said it's not addictive don't know what they are talking about.  I been smoking for 18 years and when I don't have any I get agitated.  Kudos to you for stopping...I'd try chewing gum, don't pick up any more bad habits like smoking cigarettes...that would be worse than weed....

    In the mean time get some satisfaction knowing that I'm going to blaze up a fatty in your honor! LOL

  26. weed isn't addictive so i don't know what you're talking about.

  27. your funny

  28. Your Keep smoking I'm with you.

  29. Start drinking strong coffee, like Starbucks.  It's legal speed. Just switch and be happy. You can do it!

  30. I don't think the feeling will go away that quickly. But what you can do is try do replace something better with your addiction. Try taking up a new hobby to get your mind off of it. Or try going 2 AAA meetings. Or when you feel like using call a friend that can help your take your mind off it. I wish you the best and stay strong.

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