
Trying to read the ENTIRE Twilight saga in less than 1/2 a day!?

by  |  earlier

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It's now 1:10 PM and tomorrow I start my senior year in HS! I'm going to start reading Twilight at 2pm. I have all of the books and I wanted to challenge myself to see if I can finish it by around 10pm tonight. lol

I wanted to reread EVERYTHING before I go back to school, plus the library is having a Breaking Dawn party in a few days!

Who thinks I can do it? Yes, no? I read the whole Breaking Dawn in around 7 hours, I don't know if that's slow or not.

and how long did it take you to read the books?




  1. did u hit ur head to hard on the books?

  2. Goodness! It takes me more than a day to even read one of those books! You must be a fast reader! It took me 5 days to read twilight, and 2 days to read new moon( i don't know why but it always takes me that long to read those two books), I can't remember how long it took me to read breaking dawn or eclipse, but it was definitely longer than 7 hours.

  3. I think you're crazy.

  4. i think you can do it if you put your mind to it and have fun and good luck

  5. I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but that's quite impossible. Unless you just skim read them . . but then you could get quite confused. It took me about a week in total to read them all.

    Good Luck Though! :)

  6. Wow! good luck with that. It took me about 3 days to read through all of the books before Breaking Dawn came out. I think you could do it. if i tried my eyes would probably fall out!! lol!! Good Luck!!  

  7. I think you should be able to read adleast 3 of the books and i think with determination you will finish it. It depends how many times you have read it in the past but i think the more times youve read something the quicker you can read it because you know whats coming next.

  8. Twilight 1 day

    New Moon 1/2 day

    Eclipse 1 day

    Breaking Dawn 2 days

    I would suggust against it, i mean its a good series that you kind of feel upset when it's done so i would take your time.

    Do i think you can do it? I don't know probaby, i wouldn't put pressure on yourself, if it happens it happens.

  9. At most i would say you'll read 3.  I read the first one in 2 hours, the second in 3 1/2 the third in 4 hours...and the 4th was a  Good luck though!

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