
Trying to recive fax?

by Guest58897  |  earlier

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I'm trying to receive a fax over the computer I'm using a DSL is the filter keeping me from reviving faxes




  1. DSL filters will sometimes "mess" with the line enough to cause errors during the fax, but usually that doesn't do much more than slow it down slightly.  I've never heard of one not allowing a fax to work.

    If it is, then its probably one of two things,

    1 - A bad filter

    2 - Possibly hooked up wrong

    Take a normal phone and plug it in where your fax is, does it sound OK?

  2. DSL filters should not prevent successful reception of Fax signals.

    DSL filters only filter the high frequencies from the DSL Internet signal from causing noise or interference to your phone (or Fax machine) line.

    If you are using your PC Fax/modem card to receive your Faxes, make sure there is a DSL filter in-line with the Fax/Modem line.

    Disconnect all other phones and DSL filters in house except for the line to your fax machine (or PC Fax card, if that's what your're using).  Test that way and see if situation improves.  Swap DSL filter with another to be sure it is not defective.

    As pingme suggested above, unplug fax from line and plug a regular phone into the same line and listen and confirm that you have a clean dial-tone and no noise during voice calls.  If you do hear noise and craclking on the line, then your telephone "line" may have other line quality problems that cause degradation to good fax reception.
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