
Trying to recover from verbal abuse...?

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Any ladies here been through a verbally abusive relationship? Please tell me how you recovered from it-- I am having a hard time. Were you in a string of relationships where the guys abused you? It's been 4 or 5 months. Email me, if you'd like.




  1. i am currently living under those conditions. (boyfriend is meth addict, and is very verbally abusive when coming down) i pretty much have been tuning him out, and trying to act indifferent during the tirades. it seems by responding, or getting angry just fuels his rage. its been 1 1/2 years for me. Not a string, this is first and will be the LAST abusive relationship i will ever be in. i just accidentally fell into this,during a very vulnerable time in my life, traveled 3000 miles to be disrespected, insulted, and ignored.

    good luck & remember, only YOU can take care of YOU.

  2. Well as a child my mom did it to us, Now all my sisters have husbans that do it, Im the same way I pick the ones that will abuse me, We think its love thats all we know. I hope you can find a way out. Good Luck.

  3. Verbal abuse is one of the most insidious types of abuse.  It leaves no scars, but the wounds last for a lifetime if you let them.

    See if there is a 12 step group near you that can help.  Seek counseling.  And involve your husband.  I think you will find he will walk down that road with you.

    Build up your support network with true friends.  Define yourself and set limits.

    All these seem like pre-canned phrases, but you have just started down the wonderful road to recovery.  You have just decided to do something about it.  Congratulations!

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