
Trying to say bye to a!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i got into a 7yr school in 7th grade and o want to go to my home school. i have to say good bye to my best friend. i already hurt her earlier this year when i told her i was considering leaving her, but i told her i was staying. now i want to leave, and it is definite, so how do i say goodbye to her without hurting her too badly??




  1. I changed schools at about the same time, so I think I have a pretty good idea what you're going through (or not, I can't be sure). You're friend is going to be hurt regardless of what you tell her, but maybe you could make it less painful by actually staying in touch with her? I know it doesn't seem like much, but she's got to accept the fact that you're gonna leave anyway. It will hurt, but I think that the best thing to do is just to say goodbye and to tell her that you're going to muss her and that you don't want to hurt her, but that you've made up your mind. It seems kinda cold, but it's better than leaving and saying that you won't miss her and for her to just move on. (That's what happened to me....)

    Whatever you choose to do, good luck with you're new school.

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