
Trying to stay positive...?

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I have been trying with my husband to get pregnant for 8 months now. My periods are so regular, so when I was 11 days late, we were getting very excited. Then, last night, got AF. I'm just so sad today. I told myself I wouldn't even worry about it this month b/c i had been so stressed. The day I should have had my period came and went 5 days before I realized it. So why, on the month I'm really trying to not worry about it, does it decide to remind me again?! I'm just venting wondering if anyone has some words of encouragement... I need all that I can get right now! Thanks everyone!




  1. I am right there with you. My husband and I have not been using anything for 5 months and we still have no bun in the oven. So i will sprinkle baby dust your way if you sprinkle some my way.  

  2. I have been trying for 11 months now. Somehow, it just seemed easier to handle the disappointment early on. I have found that the last 2-3 months have hurt soo much more when there was no success. I think it's because the fear that lives deep inside us-that little thought of "what if I can't?" starts to surface.

    As I struggle with similar obstacles, I say this to you: You have to truly believe (I mean truly) that your desire will be. You cannot let doubt or fear have any part of it. I once heard a motivational speaker say this, "If you can believe it, then you will achieve it." There really is a lot of truth to this.  

    In my own personal journey, I have given my fear of never conceiving too much power.  I even began thinking of what my life would be like without children. I no longer will do this.  

    So, my advice to you is Do Not Give Up! Be positive in your thinking, believe in your dreams and hold on to your faith in it.  

    Best of luck to you.

    *Watch the movie "Rudy" for some inspiration. I always cry with this one.  It reminds me to fight, fight, fight!

  3. the fact that you weren't worrying about it and stressing about is a great victory. you won over your stresses and that's a big challenge. now you have to be happy for this accomplishment, relax and enjoy s*x with your husband, don't think of it as "baby making". and hopefully what has to happen, will happen. baby dust to you for the coming monthsxxxxx

  4. I am so sorry that happened to you. My husband and I have been trying for 6 months, and last month my AF was 5 days late then showed up. I dont' know why nature plays mean tricks like that, but all we can do is try try again. The way I look at it is everything happens for a reason. God will give us babies at the exact time we're supposed to have them, so keep a positive attitude and just know that you're not alone.

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