
Trying to throw a pool party for 21+. Its going to be a promotional party for a clothing company.need help!!?

by  |  earlier

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Every hotel I call,wants you to book rooms. I wanted to just pay for the pool,I didn't want to buy rooms I wasn't goin to use.




  1. Try your local recreation facilities:  all of them will have pool party rentals (at least in Canada).  Typically the outdoor pools will rent the whole pool after 6 p.m. (it's not expensive - about $150 for 2 hours in Western Canada); the indoor pools might be more limited in time availability.

    Another option, but it could be pricier than paying for hotel rooms, is to rent a house for one day with a back yard pool.  Check out craigslist for vacation rentals - they'll do 1 day rentals.

    good luck

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