
Trying to tone up my stomach!!?

by Guest64698  |  earlier

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I want to tone my stomach up. I am currently doing crunches, sit ups etc I want to see some difference in a few weeks. I have been riding my bike everyday too and cut out fatty foods (McDonald's etc) bearing in mind I have only been doing this for a week. I am not a (Fat) person I only need to loose around 2inch off my stomach.

Is there anything else that I could be doing to show a quick response??




  1. I disagree totally with Travis M's answer. When you workout, fat doesnt turn into muscle. It burns away. Its the muscle that grows. However, what Travis M said is partially true. When you workout your abs, ur abs muscles grow. This means that your bigger abs muscles will need more food to fuel it throughout the day, so u burn more fat. Running, swimming and cardio workouts will burn ur fat only when u exercise, but weightlifting will burn your fats throughout the day, so more fat is burned. I suggest changing ur eating habits and doing some weightlifting. Consume lots and lots of protein, carbs, 'good' fats like olive oil and lots of fibre. Alternate your workout with weightlifting, cardio, then weightlifting again and so on. U'll get the results in no time.

  2. run, and lose the weight on your stomach first, then work out the abs...

  3. Running will no doubt help you get a six pack, but that is not the only thing to focus on. Running mainly works the lower abs and burns the extra fat off your stomach. In order for a six pack to really show, you need your body fat % to be 11% or lower. STAY AWAY FROM HIGH FAT FOODS! Try running a mile a day, I do that much myself. But if you are doing it on an empty stomach, just make sure that you have a good meal right afterwards. Otherwise your body will burn your muscle instead of fat. You also must work your upper abs, which is pretty easy. I recommend just simple crunches, body crunches, reverse crunches, and something called the "bicycle crunch"

  4. Sorry to disagree with the first answerer, but I suggest working the abs first, then running (and other cardio) to remove the fat.

    The reasoning for this is that some of the fat you have now will be converted to muscle as you work the abs.  This means less fat to remove later by cardio.

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