
Tryouts! Should I?

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Okay so soon there are volleyball tryouts for my school. I really at the moment am not motivated to try out but I KNOW I'll regret it if I didn't. I want to make varsity, and I want to be a DS because I am shorter than most. I've made every volleyball team since 5th grade (im in 10th now), and I've never played club. I know varsity is a lot more demanding than other teams like JV, but I really want to know should I try out? I've never played club, and a lot of the girls on my JV team last year didn't either, but I know I'd probably make it over them. Although I do worry about one girl who might try out for the same position as me and who has played club and played for the coach's club team, but she has a really bad attitude.

So I was wondering do you think I should give it a shot?

And what tips would you give me? Sometimes I freak out when I see a really scary hitter. I've been hit in the face multiple times. lol




  1. Yea you should try out....especially if you know you will regret it if you didn't. I do the same thing as you every year. I always think about tying out  but I'm not sure and then I do it and make the team. To make yourself less afraid of the ball you should get some hitters from your volleyball team to hit balls at you. :]

  2. YES!! You should i love volleyball and if your really out going and atheletic then you should its kind of hard at first but once you get the hang of it its really fun i promise you...  Dont be scared of the ball or you wont be good at it and if a really good player is playing you, you need to just hit the ball hard over the net and try to make it to where yall are hiting it back and forth but dont let her win.. you want to win!!! GIVE IT A SHOT i think that you will like it...

  3. yeah

  4. I would definetly try out. Maybe you aren't motivated at the moment, but I guarantee if you quit now you will most likely regret it. Club volleyball doesn't matter if you're the better player, and maybe the player playing for the coach is somewhat of an advantage if the coach does notice the girls bad attitude.

  5. TRY OUT!!! Why not? You should give it a shot cuz you never know, you might make it!

    I wouldn't worry about the other girl who is going to try out for your postition. Coaches don't like girls with bad attitudes. In fact, in my club, there was two amazing players that had bad attitudes and their school coach called the club coach and told her not to pick the two girls for there team. Now, they are on the silver teams.

    Don't worry about the scary hitters either, just visulize yourself digging their hit. Don't be scared of them, think of it as a challenge!

    --Hope this helps! Good luck!

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