
Tryouts are on Monday, and I'm nervous for the first time ever!! Any advice?

by Guest64492  |  earlier

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I know there are loads of questions like this, but I've been playing volleyball for 2 years now, and I absolutely LOVE it. There's nowhere I'd rather be than on a volleyball court. But my first tryouts I only went to because my friends dragged me (and I'm so glad they did, btw :P) so I wasnt bothered, and last year I knew I was going to get onto the team because I was one of the oldest and best players who tried out. But this year is my first in high school, and I'm TOTALLY freaked out. Please help?!?




  1. Sounds like you would make the team. XD Of course people tell you should not be nervous, but that can not be helped. Lol.

    So at tryouts, act modest, friendly to other players, play with respect, and work hard to get very ball, even when there no hope for it, run for it. Coaches like it, sometimes coaches will pick player even if there are not so good because the players have a good sense of attitude. Meaning that you DO what coaches TELL you. XD And of course, have fun :D

    good luck

  2. don't be nervous pretend its a game and your competitive

  3. I used to play volley ball in high school : )

    Best advice I can give is just to practice over the weekend (but don't exhaust yourself). The day of tryouts make sure to eat breakfast (not too heavy though) and don't have any caffeine because it can make an already nervous person shaky. Just do your best, hustle, and have a good / team-player attitude. Those things are important to coaches.

    Good luck and have fun!

  4. dont be nervous, i had tryouts last week. i made it, i jsut wasnt nervous, did things the way i normally do but if the coach told me somthing different i worked on it. if the coach tells you somthing to help you, do it. dont seem like an Uncoachable person. then you wont make the team at all.

  5. It is normal to be nervous when you take it so seriously.

    I also love volleyball and I see it as part of my life, and I show that love on the court. For each serve, each possible save, each smart hit, or eye-closing kill, I did them all very carefully... and I earned respect in different gyms. It should be the same in tryouts, when you earn a spot in your coach's final list, and earn respect from your other team members.

    Show them that you are good and you are serious, and you have the potential to learn more, and to grow with the team.

    I believe that you have visited all those questions and answers posted in volleyball section regarding how to perform during tryout. Those are more focusing on physical actions, but you also need to start next week mentally on top of all other players.

  6. Well i had my tryouts today so i don't have idea whats gonna happend,but i would say that if you say that your a great player than don't be nervous,because if you are a good player than you don't have to worried!!!good luck!!!bye!!!:p

  7. first of all, just go out there and have some fun! clearly u do already when u r playing, so just do your thing! play how u normally play, and don't let it in your mind that you might not make it! just play your heart out, and if the coach has any brain at all they will put you on their team because if they are any good they will see your passion fo rthe game! and if you don't make it, then you probably didn't want to be on the team with that coach anyway because the coach isn't any good!


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