
Tryouts serving? ? (pts. awarded) ?

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My coach watched me serve and said that I had a beautiful serve and I was happy because it was day one of a week of tryouts. I was playing fine in the games until it was time to serve. And I choked... every time... Do you think she'll understand that I was nervous and that I 'm fully capable of serving?? I'm so nervous and frustrated!




  1. haha okay serving is a very tough thing to do, and it took me FOREVER to finally be able to do it the "right way" , so i definatly know where your coming are some tips that i actually found extremely important and useful while learning how to get it over and just plain serve well.............

    NEVER stand straight facing the court, angle yourself 45 degrees to the right

    NEVER put extra steps into your serve, just step and drag, thats it

    ALWAYS keep you hips, shoulder, arm, and hand OPEN!!!

    NEVER try to just hit it as hard as you can, take time on checking your form, opening up and swinging through the ball

    ALWAYS try to think about what your doing and where you want the ball to go

    ALWAYS be positive and tell yourself "i can do it"

    ALWAYS ask yourself "what went wrong" if you miss a serve or it does not go where you want it to go

    ***hope i helped and good luck with the serving!!!

  2. I think she'll be fine with your missed serves since she observed you closely and told you you'r good....however, you should really work on your mental's no different from a practice....just imagine you are at practice, noone's watching and just do your thing! It's all in your head! Good luck I know you can do it:)

  3. i think she will... she knows that you can do it and possibly knows you messed up due to nerves...

    but just know at games will be more nerve racking...

    to calm yourself down, take a deep breath and just focus on the ball and serving it... works for me....  

  4. Its okay I got nervous and got hit in the face twice in the first round. I got a bloody nose and my three aunts drove an hour to see me. My Grandma and grandpa, Mom, Dad, and Step Mom all came. I was so embraced!  

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