
Tsk Tok, so Hillary won the clock? She won? Why?

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But Obama gets the vote form the highly educated...




  1. ;)

  2. I think America finally started to see the true Obama. I believe his best days are behind him, with Hillary stealing the nomination from him.  

    Reminds me of the 'tortoise and the hare' story.

  3. Because Republicans voted for her to help her win over obama.  Those republicans will be voting for their own party in November though.

  4. Obama be the empty suit, he started out to be, Yellow brick

    road got a little dirty,,,, See the bubble crowd and the un-ed

    ucated, black crowd massed to together don't make it for

    Obama,, He needs working people, seniors, and intelligent

    voters in order to win,, HIM DON'T HAVE THAT. SO bye

    bye miss american pie... Obama will give the opening

    speech at the convention once again,, Only this time he

    will hand the keys to the nomination to Hillary,,, O Yea this

    is so good.... Hillary will get buried by McCain in the General.

    See you in November.

  5. I'm asking the same thing!

  6. I personally do not like Hillary Clinton, and am amazed at those who do.

    As for why? Simple, to the people who are voting for her, she tells them what they want to hear and believe in.  There are also more women than men in this country, ergo a lot of feminist voting.  

    Then, we have the people who do not wish to have a black as the President of the USA, and those who still believe the rumors that have been circulated about Obama, including his religion, being a racist, and ties to a criminal who has made contributions to his campaign.

    The reason? More people voted for her than him in those few primaries this week.

    For the same reason, John Mc Cain  won the race for his party.

  7. Honestly, I don't think Obama can win.  Of course I didn't think Bill Clinton or "W" could win second terms.

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