
Ttc, i really need help please! honest opinions?

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ok, i'm on regular 28 day cycles, last af started 15th aug, did the 'dance' every day until my hubby left town on the 26th. could i be pregnant? i'm not sure i got the timing right and i need to know how high my hopes can be. please please answer! thanks xx




  1. Hi chick, i'm trying for a baby at the mo 2, it's driving me mad! I think you may have been a little too early, you usually ovulate 2 wks after your period, but sperm can live for quite a long time inside you (sorry-gross i know), i'm not exactly sure how long but it could still be possible, just try not to get your hopes up too much otherwise u'll be disappointed (i should know). good luck.x

    p.s. there are some good ovulation calanders/ calculators on the internet, i've been using those.

  2. It's a possibility, but it's to early to tell at this point. I know it's hard to be patient when TTC, but you will have to wait until about the 12th of September before you can test. I hope you are! If you are not, don't be discouraged, and a great tip I learned was to do the "dance" every other day from day 10-15 (with day 1 being the start of your period) because that is when you are most fertile and doing it everyday lowers the sperm count. Good luck and lots of baby dust!

  3. Probably a little too early.  If your cycle is 28 days, most likely you ovulate about on the 14th cycle day, which would have been august 28th.  However, sperm can live in your body for up to 7 days.

    next time, try every other day.  Every day does NOT increase your chances, and may even hurt them.

  4. It is possible but know one can know because we can't see if and when you ovulate. Have hope but try and not get too down if it didn't happen for you. Babydust: )

  5. All you can do is wait for AF and see if you're late.  Then go from there.

    Good luck!!

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