I read online today that a woman was going through the same thing I’ am.
She said she got pregnant during her period. Her period came on and then 5 days later she started spotting. Now I' am experiencing the same thing. My period came on July 18th and went off on the 23rd. On the 28&29th I had some light pink spotting and cramping. My breast feel a little tender. Now I always hear about spotting before your period but nobody seems to know about after your period. I asked my doc if it could be old blood, she said no old blood would be brown and would have came down before then. Also the lady who has posted her issues online is now pregnant. I don't know what to believe , some people say that you can get pregnant during your period, while others say no. Also I have taken 3 hpt all negative as of Aug.7, my periods are very irregular like 35-30 days apart.
Someone please shed some light to all of my questions..