
Ttc for 2nd child but still no luck advise please?

by  |  earlier

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first pregnancy hubby just had to look at me when i came off the pill and i was pregnant and didnt even have a period first. this time round we have been trying for nearly 5 months and still nothing its really frustrating.

If i am getting periods does that mean i am def ovulating???

And i have odd cycles as well 3 x 28 days 1 x 31 days and 1 x 25 days. I bought ovulation tests and im not sure if i am using them at the right time as they are always negative so i must be testing at the wrong time (thats if i am ovulating at all!!!). We are not really old either im 26 and hubby 27 but doubt age has anything to do with it.

Any ideas or advise would be great thanks




  1. 5 months is nothing. only 80% of couples conceive in the first year of trying.

    each month you have a 25% chance of conceiving, if everything is healthy and normal.

    I was TTC for 2 years. I got a BFP yesterday! Baby dust to you.  

  2. lol I agree with angelcakes

  3. Stop will happen when its ready to happen.

  4. Fit Pregnancy Magazine has some helpful articles about fertility and conception .. along with an article about how to eat in a way that will aid ovulation. Here's the link to the fertility & conception section of the site. I hope this helps :)

  5. If you have any concerns you should speak with your Gyno.  My sister had problems with her second (including a couple of miscarriages) but after she had a curette she was sweet.  Sometimes you just need to clean out the garage so that you can start again.  If you are still having periods you should be ovulating.  This usually happens two weeks after (or two weeks before) your period.

  6. Have yr o****m after he does. Good Luck.

  7. It took me two years to get pregnant with my children. Relaxation and a stress free life can help. Perhaps when you had your first life didnt have many stresses as it does today. If you have come unwell today and its the red blood then count today as day 1. 14 days after day 1 including day 1 is ovulation. Based on a 7 day cycle.

    Day 1 Sunday................. 17th August (period starts)

    Day 2 Monday................. 18th August

    Day 3 Tuesday................. 19th August

    Day 4 Wednesday.............20th August

    Day 5 Thursday.................21st August

    Day 6 Friday.....................22nd august

    Day 7 Saturday................ 23 August  (period finish)

    Day 8 Sunday                   Have regular intercourse (protected)

    Day 9 Monday..................25th August

    Day 10 Tuesday                Have regular intercourse (protected)

    Day 11 Wednesday..........27th August

    Day 12 Thursday              Have regular intercourse unprotected and if

    Day 13 Friday                  your partner ejaculates the sperms stays

    Day 14 Saturday..............alive for upto 5 days. A girl can be concieved

                                          as female sperm swim slower.            

                                          Dont use them on day 14 or

                                          ovulation day you are more likely to

                                          concieve a boy. Male sperm swim fast but

                                          have shorter life span. Unless u want a boy.

    Have regular s*x and dont think that if you abstain from s*x and save up the sperm it will give you more of a chance it wont!!!!  Doggy style is best for boys and you must o****m first!!!! 30th August is ovulation day. Have fun, relax and keep trying!!!

  8. This is going to sound a little weird but stop trying, once you stop and you relax you will be more likely to conceive. Also, why dont you just have s*x every day, that will mean that he is shooting his load (sorry for the crudeness) every day and that way you wont miss when you have ovulated. Good luck =)

  9. That isn't long to TTC, and generally a doctor won't carry out any testing until you have been trying for a year at your age.  The only thing I can think of is to go to your Dr and tell him/her that you are getting negative OPK's, and that you want to check your day 21 levels to see if you are ovulating.  Good luck, I know waiting is so hard!

  10. This sounds odd. Your average cycle is 28 days.

    You should ovulate between Thursday, 28 August - Tuesday, 2 September.

    Try ovulation sticks on these dates, especially Aug 30th & 31st.

    If they again, say you are not ovulating then i would advise you to see a doctor.

  11. Were you back on the pill?  If so it could be your system is just taking longer this time around.  5 months really isn't very long  it just seems it compared to last time.  are you charting your body temp/cervical mucus?  gross i know but it does work!  there is a great site i used when i was ttc the second time,, and its got awesome advice and a great tracker so you can see clearly if and when you are ovulating.  it took me 15 months second time and i'm now 25 weeks.

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