
Ttc ovulation question?

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i am on metformin, clomid, and i take prenatal vitamins, aspirin, evening primrose oil, b6 and b50 and mucinex. my period just ended like 3 days ago. is it possible that iam already ovulating. i have cm that is real thick and sticky, stretchy. and slight cramping. i'm thinking maybe this has been the problem. instead of the usual 10-14 day of the cycle, maybe its about the 5th - 7th day what do u think?




  1. check out the clearblue easy fertility monitor.

    it runs about $100 at the pharmacy. it is a machine that uses special ovulator strips to test your hormone levels EVERYDAY. it is more accurate than testing a few days out of the month with regular ovulation predictor kits.It tracks your low, high, and peak days of ovulation so you know when to have s*x with increased chances of pregnancy.

    EVERYONE that i know that used the machine (myself included) was pregnant within 4 months.

    look at the site

    good luck

  2. do you use OPK's?  I'd suggest that you do.

    I am also on metformin, femara, prenatals, aspirin, Vit E, vit B complex, and mucinex.  I got nice and stretchy cm on cd9.  This is my first month with anything other than the metformin and femara---so I was also wondering if I was ovulating early.  Without the extra stuff I would ovulate on day 15/16.  DH and I BD just in case, but now I'm developing my usual Femara cramps leading up to ovulation, so I'm guessing it was just a random cm.  I've been testing with OPK's since cd9 and they've all been negative.

    Use some OPK's to find out for sure....but baby dance anyway, just in case!!

    Good luck-baby dust!

  3. this cycle, i ovulated only 5 days after my period ended. i've ovulated really really soon and also really really late. thats why its a good idea to know your body and keep track of the signs that you're ovulating so you actually know, yourself, when you may be ovulating or not. its also a good idea to buy opk's.

    good luck!! you could be ovulating so i'd go find your man ;)

  4. Every woman is different and it is very possible that you are ovulating 5-7 days after your period it just depends and some woman are lucky enough to ovulate twice between cycles. Not everyone ovulates exactly 14 days after there period. Good Luck and Baby Dust!!!

  5. Maybe

    Go do some baby making just in case!

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