
Tubal Pregnancy???

by Guest59525  |  earlier

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ive been on depo since the 28th of april the last day of my period for the month when i recieved the shots. i began to spot for a day. then i began spotting for 2 days then it stopped then i started bleeding for 3wks now im tired weak and i get up in the middle of the night thirsty and urinating every 30 mins. began to get nauseated until i cant stand the smell of food. my breast are like a burning sensation im having headaches and dizziness. could i be pregnant in the tube . and should go to the emergency room in the morning. a friend told me to go but i wanted a second opinion




  1. You need to go to the emergency room, like now. Not tomorrow. I'm going to say that it's likely not a tubal pregnancy, but it sounds like you're losing a lot of blood.

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