
Tuberculosis making one sick?

by  |  earlier

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My bf is really sick with tuberculosis and is always complaining about being tired and having a headache. he is taking medication for it but it doesn't seem to be helping. he refuses to see his doctor as she isn't much help. we never have s*x, barely kiss or do anything remotely physical. is this because of his sickness or is he using it as an excuse? i'm trying my best to offer my help and he just refuses. he has felt this way for a little over 3 months now and is supposedly not getting better.

i feel bad because i want to be there for him but i need some companionship and this relationship isn't much fun any more. what do you think?




  1. If he's got TB and you aren't immunised, you're putting yourself in serious danger by getting close to him, so it's just as well you don't kiss much (TB is spread by droplets of spit and phlegm from the mouth and nose).

    If by "medication" you mean acetaminophen/paracetamol or over-the-counter drugs, that's not good enough. TB requires a six-month course of hellishly strong antibiotics to cure it, and until then, a sufferer is a risk to everyone around them, particularly infants, the elderly and people with chest problems like asthma (unless, of course, they've been immunised. Most people in the UK, for example, have, and bear the round scar on their arm to show for it).

    Also, strains of TB are emerging that are resistant to some, most, or even all drugs, and it's important that they don't spread. If your first doctor isn't treating it seriously, you really need to find one who does.

    As for your relationship, if he cares about you he'll get it sorted and not risk giving you this terrible disease. If he's not willing to make the 'sacrifice' of getting his health sorted, I don't think it means much to him.

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