
Tuna population dwendling?

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So what are all the people of the world going to eat when there are no fish left? I mean alot of countries like japan rely greatly on fish .




  1. Look up Peek Oil and The Peek of Everything. It is not just fishing that is unsustanable. We have to learn and improve. As with GW, what we know: Blacktop (roads and parking lots) and buildings heat cities; Air pollution causes lung (and other) diseases, deforestation causing more destruction (duststorms, hurricanes/cyclones all increasing deforestation) and destroys the ozone layer while heating earth surface; fires cause mud slides, deforestation and pollution-more heating surface temperatures; CFC's destroy the ozone layer raising skin cancer rates and killing off endanger species and increased surface temperatures; lighting produces ozone near the surface and raises air pollution levels-more heating; the suns increased magnetic field are causing increases in earthquakes (more destruction), volcanoes (wow, great distruction), sun spots and leading to more heating. Cars, airplanes, ships and most electricity production causes pollution, warmer temperatures and destruction. But most of this is in our control outside of the sun (Volcanoes, sun spots and earthquakes are part of the sun magnetic strength): We need to fix our part! That is why I founded an geoengineering web sight.The USA Mayor's are on the right track, we can have control and economic growth. The fed gov is way out of step-even Congress. We also need a pollution surcharge to balance the field and advance new technologies. Where we are with global warming has never happened before. CO2 has never lead to temperature change, but temperature change has led to increases in CO2. The models are having to be made with little evidence!

  2. I am a commercial harvester of fish & shellfish  I am a 'pro-greeny' by choice, I have been doing this since 1983. I use gear that does the least harm possible, most of it 'home-built' my area's fished are always productive, because I care. For me to strip an area is 'stupid' I will not do it, period. the problem in the world as we know it is: GREED. THEY are only after todays dollars, they do not care about tomorows catch or dollars. this has to be changed or we 'will' lose all.

  3. Probably beans and beef.  If not we should start making tuna in fisheries to keep the species alive.  If tuna all die out the whole ecosystem in the ocean will die out.  If all of the plankton die out then you will have a huge problem.  Millions and millions of fish, people, and even larger animals like the sharks will die out.  You think there will be problems if all of the tuna die out, ohh yeah.

  4. Have you seen the Discovery programme " Tuna wars"?

    They net a whole shoal of these creatures leaving nothing to breed on. It's a disgrace!  One more thing to thank the Japanese for, although it's the Australians doing the catching in this particular series. The Australians aren't the only culprits as can be seen in the link above.

  5. Really if Tuna are dwendling then why did most of the Atlantic states say that Tuna fishing was one of the best years in decades.  Where did you get this info?? from  Right PETA knows better than actual individuals who go out for either a living or for recreation

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