
Tuna safe to eat?

by  |  earlier

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I left a can of tuna in my car for two days in some pretty intense heat. It wasn't open or anything, and I am wondering if you think it's safe to eat now? I really don't know......everyone here seems to think it isn't but I kind of think it should be fine....I don't want food poisening, but I bought it and I don't want to waste the money. I know, I'm cheap.




  1. It should be fine. i've had worse. :.P

  2. I think it would be fine.  If it smells funky don't eat it.

    And aren't there vegetarians who eat fish?  It's like some are lacto ovo...some eat sustainably harvested fish.

  3. Probably should be fine, but why are you asking about tuna in a vegetarian section?

  4. You'll probably be fine. If you haven't had some crazy reaction already, then I doubt you will.

  5. it's probably fine; the trucks that cans of tuna go in are hot too.

    by the way: posting this in the vegan section, you're probably going to get some people telling you not to eat tuna. while i'm a vegetarian, i'm not going to tell you what to do.

  6. Ew, why the h**l is this in the vegetarian section?

    Tuna is full of mercury and other pollutants, so it's unsafe regardless of how long you left it in the car.
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