
Tunisia kid napping????

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im on my mums profile but just askin u guys a question if anyone can help!!!basically im a young mummy goin 2 tunisia with my 2year old boy,my 11 year old sister&my mum we'r very excited but fed up with everyone tellin me 2 be very carefull&watch the kids as they are blonde&most likely 2 get kid napped over their!!!aparently tunisians love blonde children&woman and im being warned its not going 2 be safe for us over their&im realy worried now.please anyone who's been please tell me your honest opinions&experiences?!!!very greatfull.x.




  1. Yes they do love blonde babies, women and children but that doesnt mean that they are going to kidnap them !

    Its just that being blonde isnt the norm  over there ... Dont listen to stupid people! Go and have a lovely holiday :)

  2. i went to Tunisia and everyone was saying the same to me, i was dreading the holiday as me & my partner were both blonde and to be totally honest with you it was one of the best holidays i have ever had.

    a little tip for you if you have any bottles of whiskey take one over they love it over there and its so hard to get it there!

  3. they're trying to wind you up

  4. In the Tunisia History only 2 tourist were kidnap, the Famous Austrian Couple. The Adventure far too south in the Place of tattooine where its hard for the police to cover the whole area, The were Algerian insurgents with connection  to big terrorist networks. they where taken to Algeria and then moved to Chad.

    The Tunisian Police its Know for being One of the best  Police system in the Whole Africa and Arab Nations, they live of tourism so they will make sure that tourism stay secure.

    don't worry i really recommend Tunisia its a beautiful place where to go and have fun, Cheap and Secure, Liberal and Open minded.

    Have Good Holidays!

  5. Tunisia isnt so bad ive been dere, no1 will kidnap, however its best to stay togather. it reali depends on what area ur visiting but most of the people dere are friendly

  6. I am an American who lives in Tunisia. I can tell you first hand that whoever is telling you these things is LYING to you.

    Tunisia is a very safe country. It is a lot safer than most of the Western counties. Many expatriates from various countries make their home here because it is so safe.

    One of my friends who lives across the street from me is from Bulgaria. She is very fair complexion and her daughter is more so, having blonde hair and blue eyes. They have never had anything happen to them. In fact, my friend goes out and does all the shopping by herself.

    I often take late night walk (between 10-11pm) when U can't sleep and I too have never had any problems.

    There are many blonde Tunisians with light colored eyes (blue, green, hazel) and fair complexions. and it would be difficult to tell you apart from them just by first glances. Tunisians do not cover themselves up or anythin like that.

    There is no dress code for tourists. You can come wearing shorts, tank tops, flip-flops, basically, whatever - As long as you are in the touristicy part of the city. Women even swim and sunbathe topless.

    Once you go into the main city, because this is a Muslim country, you should show some respect and dress a little conservatively. I'm not saying cover yourself up or anything like that. Conservative Western street clothing (shorts, short sleeved/sleeveless shirts) is appropriate. Attire for women should be more conservative, such as dress lengths should be below the knee.

    Do not wear revealing clothes (shorts and tank tops are fine, but if you go around showing off your belly, have your shorts so short that they are practically up to your hips, your shirt barely covers your chest, and/or your clothes are tight, then EVEYONE (male and female, old and young) will look at you - it's a fact).

    In short, just use your common sense.

    While walking in the medinas especially, you may get asked quite a bit if you want to buy something. To some it may be seen as pestering, but you must remember that this is how the vendors make their living (pay for their house, feed and clothe their families) and they are competing with many other vendors for your sale. Just be firm and say NO, then walk away and/or ignore them. They will not go running after you or anything like that.

    Make sure that you walk with confidence to help avoid other hassles. Walk with your held up, not looking down, and try to walk with an attitude of confidence. If a man should come up to you and you do not welcome his advances, then treat him like the vendors in the medinas - be firm, tell him NO, then walk away. If anyone becomes a problem for you, there are always police around that you can find to help you out.

    @ Orlsend:  The Austrian couple, it has been determined, were NOT kidnapped from Tunisia. They were kidnapped in the Sahara desert on the ALGERIAN side of the boarder. And they weren't moved to Chad, they were moved to Mali.

    Hope that puts your mind at ease. If I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me anytime.

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