3x Jinzo Returner
3x Jinzo-Lord
3x Jinzo
2x Cyber Phoenix
2x Cyber Dragon
2x Horus LVL 8
2x Horus LVL 6
1x Horus LVL 4
1x The Creator
1x D Hero-Disk Commander
2x Foolish Burial
1x Monster Reborn
1x MST
1x Heavy Storm
2x Trade In
3x Monster Gate
1x Amplifier
2x Reasoning
1x Premature
1x Brain Control
2x Soul Exchange
2x Royal Decree
3x Solemn Judgment
this deck idea either focuses on reasoning, monster gate, jinzo returner, and foolish burial.
any way getting DMOC or any jinzo in the graveyard.
using the special effects of all the jinzos and dmoc and creator will set me up for an OTK if played right.