
Turkey and the United Nations?

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Turkey is a member of the United Nations. Let us assume that Turkey was not a member, what reasons would you use to recommend Turkey as a member?

I would also like the following information about Turkey

-EU challenges

-SE Turkey Issues

-Ties with US




  1. Turkey cannot qualifiy as a member of the United Nations because of the genocide that it waged in Armenia.

  2. Turkey could easily be a UN member.

    As the only requirment to UN membership is being a nation-state and it swears to uphold the principles of the Charter of the UN.

    The Armenia issue refered to before would not be barrier. The United States has waged genocide if you consider what the Ottomans did to be genocide. We did elimated a lot of native americans. Germany is a member and it was guilty of the worst genocide in human history.

    Turkey is one of the United States closest allies. Europe has suspesions on how well Turkey fit into "european culture". SE Turkey issues while still a hot issue due seem to be better than in the 90's and 80's

  3. EU challenges.

  4. Turkey is a UN member since 1945

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