
Turkey baster baby?

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well i want to have a baby and i want to have one with my best friend and i jus dont want to have the s*x so we were thinking of having it the so called old fashon way"turkey baster" alot of poeple say it works i jus want your opinion does it work??




  1. i know of a lady who did it.. and it worked.. you just have to make sure that his ejaculation is fresh and should do it in a container that is easy for the turkey baster  to suck up.. good luck with that ok?

  2. It probably would work.  I personaly don't know anyone who has done it.  But try and see.

  3. It should work just fine as long as its fresh. But please tell me why you want to skip the best part??????? omg

  4. The better way to go about that would be to talk to your obgyn.  Have your friend ejaculate, and then the doctor can shoot the sperm up in your v****a.  It would be much safer and sanitary that way.  Its called artificial insemination.

  5. your best friend and you want to have a baby together and he doesn't even get to have s*x? that totally sucks.. i don't care if it would be weird or not.. i only know one way babies are made

  6. Makes for an interesting news article!,23599,223...
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