
Turkish economy has a spectacular growth for several years! Are average income and buying power stronger now?

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In comparison with the other countries, what is the ranking of Turkey?

I mean : by individual ( not the national product ).

Minimum income and average income are similar to EU and US now?

For instance, how much is the salary of a worker, a waitress, a teacher, a policeman, a doctor, a senator, etc?

Has Turkey's economy ( per citizen ) similarities with a middle-eastern country (example : Lebanon, Israel), a eastern-european country (example : Ukraine, Poland ), an asian country ( example :South Korea, Hong-Kong ), a south-american country ( example : Argentina or Colombia ),etc ?




  1. I dont like turkey.  It's greasy and makes my mouth dry at the same time.  Course, my uncle always deep fries it so maybe if it was cooked diffeent it wouldnt be so bad.  I heard they named a country the same, but it's full of terrosits who hate us.

  2. Read :

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