
Turkish media: Between myth and and truth?

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Please read (unfortunately in Turkish) the following article:

Then read the article of Herald Tribune in question:

And now tell me what you think about the Turkish media.




  1. I think that Turkish media is no different from any other media, i.e. no better, no worse.

    I won't go on to bombshell Milliyet for a misguided not-so-translation. I didn't read racism in the Herald Tribune article and I don't know what inspired the Milliyet article, for, as is widely known, racism IS rampant in certain European countries. People are free to write to the ombudsman of Milliyet and demand an explanation or apology.

    Edit: Reading the link below:

    "The arbiter was also full justified in sending off goalkeeper Volkan for a cave man act of violence, throwing an opponent to ground. Even in victory, the Turks accepted disgrace."

    It seems Milliyet is right and you are wrong.

  2. Yeah, that is disturbing.

    In Milliyet, they say Zaman reported it that way. I think they also mean ihlas news agency.

    The original article of Rob Hughes never says something like "cave man" to Volkan. He just criticizes his "bullying". I liked the original article, btw.

    But the jerk who translated the article was obviously a cave man himself.

    I worked in the media sometime, I know that the young journalists who are hired to work at the agencies/press/TV do not undergo a tough elimination process. (unlike the common knowledge) I have seen lots of people working in important posts at news departments whose English and general culture level sucks.

    This is what happens when the editors and the bosses hire whoever they like.

    I think, we, as ordinary citizens should constantly warn them by sending e-mails and stuff. They are in a position right now that they think they can get away with anything. This needs to change.

    edit. international herald tribune'deki makalesinde cave man falan demiyordu, nytimes da demiş evet. He really acted like cave man, by the way. I agree with Hughes.

    Hemen zeytinyagı gibi üste çıkıyorum arkadaşlar, ve şunu diyorum: olabilir, banane, lafımı geri almıcam işte, bunda olmasa bile diger birçok haber de yanlış çeviriler oluyor.

  3. Before expressing comments having correct information is important. The article linked below the one that is expressed in Turkish media. Please check it..

    There are a lot of problems in Turkish media but it seems the problem is universal.

  4. Apparently you misread the headline as the article clearly states

    it is NY Times' comment, not Herald Tribune's.

  5. i totally agree with you, and in the other hand i don't consider Zaman as a newspaper.

  6. As a teacher of English and a student of Turkish I think the problem is one of a slight mistranslation.

    The New York Times article states:

    "The arbiter was also fully justified in sending off goalkeeper Volkan for a cave man act of violence, throwing an opponent to the ground. Even in victory, the Turks accepted disgrace."

    The act of flooring someone is described as cave man like, not the perpetrator (Volkan).

    However, newspapers and other media want headlines and this sort of exaggeration is common wherever you read the tabloid press.

    Volkan was wrong to do what he did, it's a pity that the Turkish press doesn't acknowledge that fact instead of looking around for others to criticise.

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