
Turkish translation please, thanks ?

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رفضت مصر أي التزامات جديدة في مفاوضات جولة الدوحة لمنظمة التجارة العالمية المنعقدة حاليا في جنيف‏,‏ يكون من شأنها التأثير سلبا علي خطط التنمية فيما يتعلق بحماية الصناعات الوطنية من المنافسة غير العادلة مع منتجات الدول الكبري‏,‏ مما يزيد من معاناة المواطنين‏,‏ خاصة بعد ارتفاع أسعار السلع الغذائية والطاقة‏.‏ وصرح المهندس رشيد محمد رشيد وزير الصناعة والتجارة ـ الذي يرأس الوفد المصري في المفاوضات ـ بأن صعوبة وتعثر المفاوضات علي مدي الأيام الخمسة الماضية‏,‏ تعكس تخلخل موازين القوي التجارية في العالم لمصلحة الدول النامية‏.




  1. Excuse the rude answers above. It sounds like a psychological examination sheet and goes like:

    "Hi my name is barb and I am a dork I donot have a life so I spend my time trolling on the net."

  2. It says Barbara is a troll who needs to get a life (Read her other questions)

  3. Vre Varvarika mou, could u also help me translate this to English please? It's clearly written in Greek script but not in Indian of course.

    ग्रीस अथवा यूनान यूरोप महाद्वीप में स्थित देश है। यहां के लोगों को यूनानी अथवा यवन कहते हैं। अंग्रेजी तथा अन्य पश्चिमी भाषाओं में इन्हें ग्रीक कहा जाता है।

    यहां की राजधानी एथेंस है। प्राचीन मन्दिरों में पार्थेनान और कुछ दूर नगर से बाहर डेल्फी का मन्दिर देखने योग्य है।

  4. Here is a translation in English:

    As I'm sure you are aware, it is taken from an Arabic language news item, published today.  Maybe you will find it easier to translate into Turkish from the English? If you really need to.....

  5. Hi, this is not Turkish. We use the Latin alphabet. Try asking this question in "Languages".

  6. Have you no shame? Do you enjoy spending time on yahoo answers 24/7 Barbie? You even use the same freaking expressions and make the same grammatical mistakes, what a spectacular colossal moron you are! A person who can't even troll, how pitiable is that? I really didn't have a low opinion of the Greeks until I saw personas like you on the internet. The guarantee of your country's traditional ineptness are people like you.

    Also this is written in Arabic script, so it isn't Turkish. A puddinghead like you can't handle this script even if you study it for years. This question only reveals ignorance by making fun of an ancient script, as if using it is something to be ashamed of.

  7. It says that you must turn off your PC immediately and go to bed...

  8. Try an online translator. I tried but I couldn't find a proper one :( SOrry

    It just says this:

    , , ,.  ,.

  9. that isn't tukish...

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