
Turn around wat do u see???...?

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Turn around wat do u see???...?




  1. My sweet new 62" plasma TV baby!!!!!

  2. The Beach and Atlantic Ocean...!!

  3. My Rocky poster.

  4. window

  5. my hamster running around in her cage.

  6. A bed.

  7. My friend in the office answering the exact same question!!!! How freaky!!!!

  8. someone snoring in my bed

  9. The wall

  10. a window

  11. someone lyin on d bed waitin for m..

  12. i see my cellphone and my picture,.,


    easy one,.,

    theres lot of stuff i can see but i guess you don't have to know some,.,

  13. A big, pink, poofy pillow ^_^

  14. A framed original movie poster from Grindhouse Double Feature which shows Planet Terror with McGowan and her gun leg with all characters underneath/ Death Proof shows car and has all characters under too.

    I bought it for 6 bucks off E-Bay and looks awesome in my livingroom behind my PC facing the TV with couch to my right and recliner cornered to left.  

  15. A cubicle partition panel, & a filing cabinet (yes, I'm being paid for doing this)! ~:D>

  16. My clothes flung around on the floor. I can't be bothered picking them up and actually getting changed in my bedroom. So the living room will have to do.  

  17. my reflection on the mirror

  18. london

  19. My roommates closet full of junk over flowing to the point its hanging out of the closet about two feet  I don't see how air could get in there and a fan running. Their closet is in my office. :-) and they tell me I need to clean up the office. HELLO  

  20. My ceder cabinet with my winter clothes.

  21. the tv and a movie playing

  22. A plain white, brick wall with my mother's Bachelor of Creative Arts hanging on it.

  23. A door, a dresser. clothes, floor, dog, hallway, man with giant bloody kni........

  24. hallway  

  25. A peg board full of papers reminding me that I am still at work.

  26.   My girlfriend.She is always at the back of my mind.

  27. The kitchen counter.

  28. air particles

  29. the head Board on my bed


    Killer Crisp




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