
Turn off for millions?

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Has this world gone mad. Putting into darkness 26 cities around the world, is just asking for the crime figures to increase. The mentality of those people who advocate such stupidity, and the people acting up-on it is beyond belief. Global warning is a natural phenomenon, so when will people wake up to this fact.

How do other people see this?




  1. Yes it is all a racket whilst the rich have more power hungry home 30 lights in each room big cars electric everthing the stupid working classes will scrimp and scrape about in an attempt to save the world.  Not I though,  I remember the 60s and all the fuss over population explosion etc, so what happens,? the Uk has around 2.4 kids on average, then we end up importing all the foreign rubbish the world dosen't want to make up the defecit, we just as well had not listened and carried on with big REAL Britsih families.  Point being we are now being advised to scrimp on energy yet the rich will squander like never before, so whats the point.  Best to waste all now so then at least in the end we will all suffer the consequences IF AND ITS A BIG IF , there are any to face.  You will not however convince the feeble minded as they LOVE the scarafice as they feel 'hollier than though' and truly do beleive in what they are doing.  Let them, as it is funny to see the elderly drive 2 miles wating fuel to re-cycle 3 empty bottles and 2 tin cans!

  2. Its just a carbon tax, they have to push this global warming s*** because it will make them millions.  How many ice ages did we have before man set foot on the earth?  Climate change is a evolving process, our climates have always been changing and will change again despite human intervention.  That w***** John Travolta has an airport & runway at his house, he owns and flys THREE! big jets, he flys around the country in them preaching to the poor on how they can do there bit to reduce global warming!!!!!   Why does nobody challenge this hypocrite at his talks.  The American government exploded over 600 ATOMIC BOMBS since the war and exposed their own army to the aftermath.   Yet I am supposed to worry about giving myself a quick spray of deoderent!!!!

  3. Criminals see no better in the dark than anybody else. They'd better get a lot of flashlight batteries if they want to start a crime wave!

  4. I also view global warming as possibly a natural occurence.  We have no records to indicate that these shifts in the earth are not a repeat of what has happened in the history of the planet.  Granted, man is causing pollution.

    I agree, also, that blacking out cities is highly illogical, given the history of human behavior.  

    If anyone in power really gave a darn about the issue of global warming, those electric cars would be the mainstay of individual transportation instead of the fossil burners.

  5. In about 5 years when they see that the water is at the same level or we are even colder due to decreased sunspot activity, people will realize they were being fed BS by the socialists that wanted to carbon tax 1st world counties into oblivion.

  6. The world has gone mad. Co2 emmissions will not be reduced whilst the human population is expanding. Or we should stop breathing. Owzat?

  7. death is certain no one cares..

    Hooray for old classic musclecars Woots

  8. I presume you are referring to the international "no power for one hour" (and similar names).  If so, then you have misunderstood its intent, much less its strictly voluntary execution; check out the link, below, for info.

    If you are not talking about the "no power..." concept, then you need to make your main question and details more informative; otherwise, you could appear like an ignorant lunatic (not too sure I'd want to know an "intelligent" lunatic!).  ;)

    Regardless, in the future, try to count to ten when you have a negative reaction to something; and don't forget to breathe normally, to get desperately needed oxygen to your brain.  Then, do some research before jumping to conclusions, which, unfortunately, is the most "exercise" some people get.  ;)

  9. No, the world hasn't gone mad.

    No, it's not "just asking for the crime figures to increase" as there will no doubt be enforcement.

    Global warming is not a natural phenomenon -- when are YOU going to wake up to that fact.

    If you're interested in science (which I gther you aren't).

    The people who understand and accept reality are not the stupid ones.
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