
Turned 4 in July and still not potty trained?

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My son is very smart but does have some mood issues and ADHD. I am a SAHM and have tried everything (rewards, underwear, books, etc.) The thing is I think he really enjoys wearing diapers. The kids at school even tease him because he wears pull-ups and he could care less. Please any help?




  1. When I saw your question - the first line - before I clicked on it, I immediately thought "I bet she has him in pull ups".  And you do.  That's why he's not potty trained!  He doesn't need to be potty trained because he's got the good old (very expensive) pull-ups.  Throw them out and get him some underwear.  He'll learn soon enough.

  2. right after my son turned 3 i told him we had the last pair of pull ups and could not buy anymore and if he didn't go in the potty, he would have to help clean it - he was also very bright and knew very well that he should be going in the potty - because he would do it occasionally - it worked and he has never had an accident nor does he wear pull ups at night - he is 4 1/2 now

  3. I just put my son in underwear and told him what a big boy he would be if he went to the potty to pee and he did. In one day he was potty trained and never wore a pull-up. It was easy with him. Now I have a 3 yr. old girl who wont go. It is very frustrating I know. I guess I expected it to be as easy as the first one now I think i'm going grey. Maybe you should just put him in underwear and make him sit in his own mess for a while until he learns he doesnt like it.

  4. Ugh I know how you feel. My son will be 4 in December and isn't potty trained yet. He's very smart--knows all his colors, letters & numbers. He absolutely, flat-out refuses to use the potty. We've gotten him to use it a few times but now he just refuses to. I will not by pull-ups as I feel they are still diapers and its too expensive. I've tried the underwear thing and he just pees through them and doesn't care. I ask him to use the potty every 20 minutes and its still no.

    Sorry I'm not any help to you--just wanted to tell you we're in the same boat. I hope you get some helpful information.

  5. Ditch the pull ups except for at naps and bedtime. If he can't get used to real underwear he won't know any different. It's time to get consistent and a little more firm about using the potty. Don't ask him to go, TELL HIM every 30 minutes at first that it is time to go. Insist that he sit on the potty 5 minutes before you let him up.  When he gets successful with 30 minutes then up to 45 and then to an hour until he is able to recognize he has to go and does it on his own.   Asking, begging, bribing at this point is useless. It's time for firmness and no relenting at this point.

    If kids are teasing him now at 4 it's only going to get worse as time goes on and they start excluding him from birthday parties or play dates because he'll be labelled as the class "baby" rather than "one of the gang".  I'm kind of surprised the preschool doesn't have rules about this before starting.  Most like to have them potty trained before they can start.

    For the sake of his future ability to socialize and fit in you have to take the firm hand at this now.  Good luck.

  6. my third child did not want to potty train and i put her in the rubber pants that people put over cloth diapers with nothing on under them when they use the bathroom in that trust me they do not like it and will not keep doing it  

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