I'm a recent college graduate that works part time (technically full time hours in the summer), as tattoo artist at Six Flags theme park. The pay is great, got promoted, but there's no health coverage since it isn't full time. My health coverage under my parents stopped when I turned 22; about three years ago (I'm at the old age of 25 now). While looking for other work that's full time, I've applied for private insurance with GHP (Group Health Plan). I get a letter today finding out that my application was denied due to my health problems which is having anxiety/depression, and OCD. I've also been on Effexor medication for the past four years for it. According to GHP, I qualify for high risk pool and would have to pay a higher rate, so I'm guessing it's about $5000/month, I don't know hopefully I'm just exaggerating on that number . It's like I'm being singled out and wonder if health insurance companies are afraid to approve me because I'm crazy and big fat liablility. My parents said they could help me pay for the "high risk" insurance until I find a permanent job. I told them that that was a bad option cause it would look like I'm lazy. So s***w that, I don't deserve their help, I'd rather go naked in order to save money. I've held down my current job for years now and built an excellent reputation toward my boss and coworkers. I even graduated college with Magna Laude Honors and have a pretty decent work resumé. So, obviously, I have my illness under control and I can still function in life. Yes, I've been job hunting like clock work and only found very few companies online that closely match my qualifications and applied to those (no luck yet). My field is graphic design. I signed up with Creatives on Call and The Creative Group online uploading my resume and my work. I even have my current boss and an older friend of mine keep their eyes open for me for whatever work opens up in my area. I signed up for "work at home" that's not scam. Next week when I have more time, I'm making an appointment for a job placement agency that will help me find full time work. The job market sucks @** right now and I'm doing all that I can here, but I still feel like it's not enough and that GHP Health everyone else is mocking me. Basically, since GHP turned me down, other insurance companies will for sure turn me down as well. Therefore, if I got turned down due to mental illness, do I qualify for Disability/SSI if it still takes a while to find permanent work within the next few months? My dad said that me qualifying for Disability is bunch of bull****, but I wonder what anyone else's 3 cents on this is??