
Turned in for academic dishonesty

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my online teacher has been really mean to me since day 1. She wouldn't help me with accessing the website because I was new to the district and didnt know anything at all. Anyways so the teacher wrote down somewhere that we weren't allowed to use Wikipedia for our papers. Well i accidently did, because I forgot about that rule. Anyways, so then she emailed me back my 7 page paper and told me that she considers this plagerism since I used wikipedia for a source on "79 percent of my paper (as she said)" and that she would be reporting me to the dean. What will happen now? consequences? I know that one is that I got a 0. I didn't do it on purpose. Can I still talk to the dean, explain the situation, and request another chance? I have a D without the paper and a B with the paper..




  1. talk to the dean, he will not be a d**k. Just tell him what happend, and how you feel. He will understand. DOont go into there acting scared or guilty.

    Most likely you'll write the paper over and can not use wiki for a source

  2. Talk to the dean, of course, Mr. Perfect.

    But I suggest strongly you take another approach than using "accidently" and you "forgot about that rule."  

    Hard to convince an academic dean that oops, the sun was in my eyes and I lifted more than three-quarters of my paper from Wikipedia.  Difficult also to "forget" rules about academic honesty whether or not there was a rule.....this is like intellectual shoplifting and saying the Wikipedia materal just jumped into my paper.

    Those concepts are unacceptable when widespread plagerism is used.

    Google searching makes checking student phrases so d**n easy.  And if your instructor thinks 4/5th of your report is lifted from the writing of someone else, that is a major academic offense.

    Come up with more sound reasoning when you plead your case to the dean.  From what you have written here, a reasonable person would believe you plagerized whether or not a rule was in place.

    For your sake, I hope plagerism is not grounds for academic dismissal from the university.  There may be a way you can flunk the course and remain at the school.

    I do not believe your online instructor is being "mean" to you.  I think she is helping you at the university level to be good at the career path you choose in life.  Employers are not going to pay you to plagerize from Wikipedia and turn in reports as though they were your own work.

    I hope sincerely that this answer helps you.  Good luck with mounting a defense to present to your dean.

  3. Academic dishonesty should get you expelled.

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