
Turning left from a minor highway?

by  |  earlier

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Speed limit is 50 mph. There's only one lane in each direction (plus shoulders). If I want to turn left onto a hidden dirt road, and signal well in advance, can I stop in the lane while waiting to turn?




  1. Yes you can do this, you are not doing anything wrong...........

  2. yes you can legally make this turn, unless there is a divider on the highway or signs that say no turn.  If they rearend them, it is their fault.  I know no one wants to get rearended.  Try to pull as close to the center lane as possible, but stay in your lane... that way the other cars have room so they can pass you on the shoulder.

    if your main concern is getting rearended and not the legality... then just be careful... leave enough room for them to go around, like I said, keep an eye on your rearview and if you see someone that looks like they are not paying attention to you, then step on the gas, hard... People should be paying attention, but they don't always do... I lived in Pa for 24 years and most of that state is minor highways like what you described, and they had roads people turned onto... not may people go rearended, but, like i said, we're used to it...

  3. You better stop if you have on coming traffic.  Try and be aware of the traffic behind you and slow down as you approach your left hand turn.  If it is unsafe to turn and you see in your rearview mirror a car hauling *** behind you, you better gun it. lol

  4. Only if there's no one behind you.

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