
Turtle Facts Needed Please

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Can anyone give me some good facts about box turtles. What gallon of a tank do they need? I've seen the one I've wanted at the pet store and I'm getting it on Wednesday. Do you give them water in like a little hamster bowl? Should I do the same with food? Do I buy bags of dirt at a nearby Wal Mart(plz DO NOT insult Wal Mart. My mom is the manager of the one in the city I live nearby) for the box turtle, 'cause box turtles don't really need water in their tank since they're partly tortises.




  1. You've gotten pretty good advice so far so I'll just add this. Some people prefer to house box turtles in a "tortoise table", more like a pen. You can do fairly well in terms of cost if you are handy at woodworking.

    Water should be provided in a shallow dish that they can climb into and out of easily (without turning it over). You can stabilize the dish easily if you build your own table. The turtles drink from the dish, soak in it, and p**p in it, so you have to change the water often.

  2. box turtles DO need water in there tank!

    What i would do is get to sturdy cat bowls (if its grown) or reptile bowls (smaller) put water in one and trutle food and plenty of veggies in the other. Im not sure if walmart carries it but you can buy whats called rapti. sand, which is specifically for reptiles, regular white like sandbox sand would be ok to!

    also google them to get all the facts on there habits and everything they can/cannot eat!

  3. Im not insulting walmart but, I got stuff for my rabbit there and my rabbit almost died. here is what to do.

    get dirt from petsmart,

    Then put the water in the tank, the dirt has to be even with the bowl of water because reptiles are not the smartest things in the world.  

  4. Here is a caresheet. It will tell you everything you need to know.

  5. Housing Box Turtle

    Although juveniles may adapt to an indoor terrarium, all adult box turtles need to be kept outdoors – at least for part of the year – in order to really thrive. It is incredibly difficult to create indoor conditions that are satisfactory and despite the greatest care taken with factors like temperature and humidity, the box turtles invariably end up with severe metabolic stress, resulting in conditions as severe as kidney failure. One mistake many people make is to assume that box turtles are tropical animals when in fact they come from temperate climates and cannot tolerate extreme heat or dryness in the atmosphere. Thus, in most of Britain, an appropriately-designed outdoor enclosure that has the correct substrate, humidity, access to water and protection from predators would be ideal. For the more northerly regions, installing a water-proof tubular heater will help with the lower temperatures.

    The key to having a happy and healthy box turtle is correct humidity levels. Even if they only dry out for a very short time, box turtles can suffer serious health problems such as swollen eyes, ear abscesses and sore skin. Spraying the enclosure regularly with a mister can help in dry conditions or even just watering the ground, which also helps to encourage ‘natural prey’ such as earthworms and slugs. In addition, it is important to use a substrate that is specially designed for water-retention, such as sphagnum moss. It is also important to include a bathing area, with water deep enough for a proper swim. Such box turtles, such as the Three-Toed Box Turtle, enjoy the water and behave much more like an aquatic turtle. (Remember, the water in the pool must be kept scrupulously clean). Like all turtles, box turtles like to have cover which helps them to feel secure.

    One thing to remember is that box turtles can be agile escape artists and are also determined diggers so spend extra time making sure that your enclosure is secure, such as burying some mesh wire at least 150mm deep into the sides of the enclosure. This has the added advantage of preventing foraging predators, such as foxes and badgers.

    Unlike some other turtles, box turtles are gregarious and enjoy each others’ company so a group kept together as a colony may do better than a solitary pet, although care must be given not to overcrowd the turtles in the space available.


    When young, box turtles tend to be carnivorous and will feed on earthworms, slug’s crickets and insect larvae. However, as they mature, they become more omnivorous and extend their diet to vegetable and fruit matter such as strawberries, bananas, apples, mushrooms, pear and other green-leafed vegetables. Some people also recommend giving some supplementary foods such as low-fat tinned dog food once a week. Vitamin A deficiency is a common problem and something to watch out for, as well as calcium deficiencies so a vitamin and calcium supplements can be added to the diet to prevent these problems.

    Hope It All Helped. Any more just visit the site below (:

  6. When it comes to reptiles, box turtles are the most popular pets in the United States. They are also the most uncared for pets. It is important to know how to properly care for and feed any type of pet. Box turtles are no exception.

    With proper care, a turtle can live 30-40 years. It is even possible for a turtle to live up to 100 years. Though turtles may seem like a great pet for a child or for a “first time” owner, they have special requirements.


    Though turtles can be housed in an outdoor enclosure, it is easier for the unfamiliar to begin indoors. A large aquarium, at least 20 gallons, is the minimum space requirement for your pet turtle. There should be plenty of room for the turtle to be mobile.

    It is not necessary for the enclosure to be an aquarium. The handy type person may find that building adequate housing is easy. With either case, proper bedding is essential.

    The turtle must be kept in a humid environment. Humidity keeps the turtle’s shell healthy and free of cracks. Wood chips and peat moss mixed together can be used for bedding or a mixture of sand and soil. The soil should be sterile (store-bought). Using soil from outside can spread diseases. With any mixture, be sure it isn’t too rough. Using too much sand could scratch the turtle’s shell. All bedding should be able to retain moisture.

    Temperature control is important for the turtle’s well being. During the day, the temperature should be 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit. At night, the temperature can safely range from 60-70 degrees Fahrenheit. At times, it may be necessary to place a heating device such as a heating pad, underneath the aquarium or enclosure. Be sure not to put any heating device where it could burn the turtle. Most pet stores sell safe heating supplies.

    Turtles also enjoy basking, which is our equivalent of sunbathing. A lamp directed toward the enclosure with a 75-100 watt light bulb will do well for this purpose. However, only use the light during the day.


    Turtles need a varied diet of protein and plant matter. Young turtles can be fed every day, while adult turtles will do fine eating every other day.

    A proper variety of meat and plant foods are ideal. Protein/Meat foods can be any of the following: crickets, earthworms, snails, slugs, cooked chicken and beef, canned cat or dog food can also be fed.

    The list of plant matter is abundant. Just about any fruit or vegetable can be offered. Carrots, peaches, tomatoes, bananas, greens, strawberries, and pears are some examples.

    You may want to ask your veterinarian or local pet shop to suggest a good supplement for you turtle. Even the strictest of diets may be lacking an essential vitamin or nutrient.

    As with any life, water is very important. A dish or pan full of water should be easily accessible for the turtle. Keep in mind that box turtles can drown in deep water. It is important to keep the water clean, as turtles like to relieve themselves in water.

    Continue to care for your turtle properly and you will have a life long friend.  

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