
Turtle Fertility Rates?

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We have 4 box turtles and after gaining "Herman" we discovered "Berneice" is actually a boy and "Herman" is actually a girl and they definitely like each other. My husband says they only reproduce when the female is fertile (like cats in heat type thing), if this is true since they decided to mate off and on for two days..what are the odds of finding eggs in the next few weeks?

I'd just like to know so we can prepare for taking care of the little ones if Hermanette is potentially pregnant now




  1. You can either provide a suitable substrate for laying eggs (potting soil, for example) or move eggs to an artificial incubator. Get a plastic bag and sanitize it inside. A solution of Oxi-Clean or competing product will work if you don't have a regular sanitizer such as the ones sold to home-brewers. Wet a piece of sphagnum moss or absorbent cotton and wring it out with clean hands. Use it to line the bottom of the bag.

    When the eggs are laid (there won't be many), mark the tops with a felt-tipped marker. Always keep the mark up. Transfer the eggs to the bag. Seal the bag and place it in an area with fairly constant temperature. The top of the refrigerator is usually the best place.

    Good luck.

  2. box trutle gestation is about 30 days with incubation being another 2 months or so. you need to provide suitable substrate so she can bury her clutch. look up optimal temperature for incubation - i dont know it. the provide food for them - ALL NATURAL is best - worms and leafy greens maybe even crickets. if this isnt an option i used to used a canned kitty food

    also to increase fertility, try to hibernate them, it will do them good as well as give you a couple of months off - i beleive that is driven by photoperiod

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